Study Abroad Course Equivalents
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The Study Abroad Credit Equivalency tool allows students to browse courses taken at other institutions, and see how those foreign courses have been translated into University of Washington credits in quarters past. In order to use this tool, students must understand and agree to the following:
- The University of Washington Study Abroad Office cannot guarantee that the foreign courses listed here are still offered at the host institution, nor that the course curricula have not changed since these equivalents were recorded.
- This database is not a comprehensive list of courses available at host institutions. Students are not limited to enrolling in courses reflected in this database.
- University of Washington and its departmental policies regarding credit transfer are subject to change. Those credits listed here may not reflect current UW or departmental offerings.
- Academic Departments are the sole and final authority on credit transfers. The UW Study Abroad Office cannot act in this capacity.
- Students are strongly encouraged to speak to their Academic Advisors prior to studying abroad and before enrolling in foreign courses.
- The courses listed in the database are not a guarantee of credit. All students must complete a credit evaluation upon return from their study abroad program in order to receive credit for their coursework.